Tuesday 8 March 2011


So I've recently turned 18 and for my birthday I took my boyfriend over to Cardiff of course I couldn't go over to Cardiff without shopping. I was really disappointed though as I couldn't find anything I liked. I love all the romantic colours and clothing and there was loads in the shops but I just don't have anything to wear the colours with as I normally wear blues.

I then reverted to trying to find myself a nice day dress, I didn't succeed in this either. I found a really adorable dress in New Look that my friend wore to my party, but I decided against buying it as it was black and I've got enough black dresses. I then got put off as I knew I wouldn't wear any of these summery dresses.

I found results in shoes!! After finally giving up and going to lunch I found myself some more energy (or just desperation) and I checked in a few more shops one being River Island. I mainly stuck to the sale items and i found these amazing shoes. They were exactly what I loved. Brown boots above the ankle with fur on the lining and buckles on the front and round the heel.  Best thing? They were in the sale £50 down from £73. Even better? I nabbed the last in my size! Now I am matching with my aviator jacket i got for christmas. 


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