Friday 6 August 2010

Willow Smith


Celebrities children have become part of the lime light possibly stepping into their parents shoes or maybe getting there own publicity. Obviously it's easy to follow the children as they grow up for example all the Beckham kids and the Jolie-Pitt family. But recently I have been noticing Will Smith's daughter Willow Smith not for any new film or music career but because of her style. She's 9 years old and has got her own rocky-edgy style going on. Most 9 year old girls I would still expect in pretty pink dresses, but I guess this is what comes from being exposed to all the different clothes and stylists and basically the Hollywood lifestyle.

willow smith painted ear outline 03willow smith lace up pants 06She's been seen doing a photo shoot in which she supports a painted ear outline. She's even setting her own trend with tweeters saying "I'm about 2 pull a willow smith hair cut O_O".

I'm never sure about children who don't act their age, and I recently believe it's becoming a big thing for kids to act more like adults especially with the technology now a days.  


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