Tuesday 30 November 2010



So I've already blogged about my future shoot but I have recently completely finished editing my photos.

On the left is the original photo one the right the photoshopped one. These have both got manipulated background, hair colour, skin colour and make-up. I tried to give this top one an outline using inner and outer glow. I think they both are good and capture the gothic vampire feel that's intended. I am really proud of what I have achieved as I have made the same photo completely different and I have achieved better than I wanted.


Sunday 28 November 2010

2000 Photoshoot


This photoshoot was inspired by my favourite photographer Mario Testino I absolutely love this shoot as I thought it was so classy but edgy. I thought it was a good photoshoot to use as it was a big step to show more of the model and therefore made it obvious it was from the 2000's. I also really loved the clothing used in the shoot so I tired to use similar styles.

For my shoot I took the photo's at my home studio and then I photo shopped the background on which I had taken else where. This was my attempt at the above Testino shoot. The dress isn't quite as glamorous and i don't think the pose gives the same feeling but I think what really let it down was the background it does not look realistic at all. This was my first attempt at photoshopping the background on so I should have gone back and tried again when I had got better but I decided this was my least favourite photo anyway.

This photo to the right is one of my favourite of the shoot I think the background is much better and looks really realistic. I also like the pose much better and it gives the moody but still innocent look. I think this shoot has worked well although not nearly as good as the original by Mario Testino I am still really proud that I have managed to pull off this shoot by my favourite photographer and it has helped me develop my photo shopping skills.


Wednesday 24 November 2010

1990's Photoshoot


Sorry I haven't blogged recently have been kept in bed by a horrible cold.

Anyway I'm feeling better so I'm back to carry on where I left so 1990 photoshoot.

This photoshoot was inspired by Brain Duffy and the main part of his Vogue photoshoot that I really liked was the use of the voile which made it look playful as well as sophisticated through the smart suits. This shoot also is noticeably more revealing than the previous decade's shoots the 1990's shows a lot more skin and the poses were more provocative.

I shot my own photoshoot at home using the voile against the window. The clothing is different from the original it is dresses as I didn't want it too be as smart but I have still made it  look sophisticated. I really like this left photo I believe it's captured the feel of the shoot. It's moody but stylish and sophisticated. It is more revealing showing off the models legs which you eye follows down.
The photo below I decided to include as all my other photos show the whole of the dress and body so this one gives a closer look. I think that it's good that the background is slightly blown out as it is needed to help you focus on the two models and for the voile to not distract.  


Wednesday 17 November 2010

1980's photoshoot


My 1980's photoshoot was based on a Patrick Demarchelier photo shoot. Demarchelier still photographs now for fashion magazines he does many celebrity shoots and he is one of the top fashion photographers. I love this photo shoot as it's so glamorous but yet still demure. The lighting is amazing and helps make the photo's look so perfect, I also like how the background is so out of focus so your look is thrown to the model.

I also took my photo shoot on beach location but I decided on a different background. I tried to use pale colours such as the ones used in the original photo shoot. I also used similar clothing styles such as the tighter dresses. I'm really pleased with the outcome of this shoot as the lighting really highlights the clothes and the model looks amazing! I think these photos have taken from the original shoot but is my own work and imagery.  


Monday 15 November 2010

1970's photo shoot


For the 1970's shoot I was inspired by Albert Watson. I took from this editorial shoot the idea of a colour theme but instead of using yellow which is what was used in the actual shoot, I decided on pink. The editorial was Vogue's eye view of sunshine and it was shot in Portugal. Seeing as I couldn't get to Portugal or anywhere similar I decided to take the shoot at a beach as I thought it'd be a good background but not distracting.

The other aspect I took from the original photo shoot was how many props were used. I tried to use many different props as this helped keep the interest and also worked with the pink theme as all the props were pink. I do like these photos I think they take from the Albert Watson photo shoot but don't copy they are my own work and style and I'm proud of that.


Saturday 13 November 2010

1960's photo shoot


Second post, so time for my 1960's photo shoot. I got inspiration from the photographer Brian Duffy and a photo shoot of his work in a 1960's Vogue magazine. I really liked the movement in this shoot and the factor that took my eye is the block colour across the photo I thought this was very interesting and different especially in the 1960's which was not the most experimental decade of fashion photography.  

For my photo shoot I used a home studio which literally is a white sheet but unfortunately I have not been taught how to use the proper studio at school and anyway I find it easier with little pressure from my teachers and my models are much more confident and comfortable while surrounded by friends at my home. As for the clothing I used many different bold colours so that I could then use that colour as the block colour. I tried to make the shoot look active but while still at the same time making it structured and posed. I believe it has worked out well and definitely shows the inspiration as well as my take on it. The only problem I had with this shoot was the clothing as I needed to be 60's but I also needed bold colours and for the clothing to be suitable for active movement aswell as my budget. I decided to go with bold T-shirts as these would of been in most decades and grey jeans which although wouldn't of been worn in the 1960's still gives the right impression needed for the shoot which was too not detract away from the colours.


Friday 12 November 2010

1950's photoshoot


So I decided it'd be sensible to show you my work chronologically each decade in a different post. So this is my first one so we are starting with the 1950's. For my 1950's inspiration I choose a photo shoot by Norman Parkinson. It is titled "university life" and it really attracted my attention as most of the 1950 photographs looked really posed and this one was one that had movement and interaction. The photo below is one of the inspiring photos.  

For my own photoshoot I knew I wanted to gain the same feeling so the location and clothing was very important. I chose a place that had big impressive buildings much the same as the university featured in this shoot (Wells Cathedral). The clothing I made very 1950's with a genuine 1950's dress very similar to the one in this photo to the left. It was also important to make the shoots very elegant and classy so the poses are lady like and structured as well as the actual model looking classy.

These are two of my 1950 photos that I am using in my A-level work. I am trying to use similar techniques  but these photo's are actually digital as I wasn't sure whether the lighting would work for film but I have taken film photo's for the 1950's but they will be used for my final piece. I used black and white photography as most of the vogue photo's were black and white in this time. This photo to the left features the genuine 1950's dress. I thought it was beautiful and really helped make the photos look authentic. From the Norman Parkinson photoshoot I really liked how he mixed photos of casual day wear with classier evening wear. This is what I tried to do in my own
photoshoot which is what you can see with these two photos the right one is a casual day wear where as the above photo is the more evening wear. I am really pleased with the outcome of my photoshoot as I believe it gives the right feel and is easily identifiable as the 1950's.


Thursday 11 November 2010

Future of fashion photography


Sorry I haven't blogged recently I have really indulged myself into my photography. I have taken all my photo's for the 60 years I'm researching, I have photoshopped and printed all the photos from 1950 to 2000. I really enjoy photoshopping as I find it very satisfying and it's amazing what you can do to the photos. I have decided to include a "future" board where the work is completely my own and my interpretation on what the future might hold for fashion photography. My aim is to base it on the vampire theme that is massive at the moment and I am photoshopping the plain studio models dark and gothic and intense. I have done a practise run where I experimented with what I could do.

This photo to the left is the original it has bad white balance which was the first thing I sorted out in photoshop. I then changed the hair colour to red, made the facial skin paler, gave her green eyes, applied black eye make-up and red lips, gave her a drop of blood coming from her mouth and obviously changed the background to black and put in the lighting. I just love how using photoshop can completely change the feel of a photo and this is what I believe fashion photography will develop into; the use of photoshop to this extend.

In the next couple of days I am planning on showing you a glimpse  of each of my decades in photos, how I went about planning it and who inspired me.
