Wednesday 24 November 2010

1990's Photoshoot


Sorry I haven't blogged recently have been kept in bed by a horrible cold.

Anyway I'm feeling better so I'm back to carry on where I left so 1990 photoshoot.

This photoshoot was inspired by Brain Duffy and the main part of his Vogue photoshoot that I really liked was the use of the voile which made it look playful as well as sophisticated through the smart suits. This shoot also is noticeably more revealing than the previous decade's shoots the 1990's shows a lot more skin and the poses were more provocative.

I shot my own photoshoot at home using the voile against the window. The clothing is different from the original it is dresses as I didn't want it too be as smart but I have still made it  look sophisticated. I really like this left photo I believe it's captured the feel of the shoot. It's moody but stylish and sophisticated. It is more revealing showing off the models legs which you eye follows down.
The photo below I decided to include as all my other photos show the whole of the dress and body so this one gives a closer look. I think that it's good that the background is slightly blown out as it is needed to help you focus on the two models and for the voile to not distract.  


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