Thursday 11 November 2010

Future of fashion photography


Sorry I haven't blogged recently I have really indulged myself into my photography. I have taken all my photo's for the 60 years I'm researching, I have photoshopped and printed all the photos from 1950 to 2000. I really enjoy photoshopping as I find it very satisfying and it's amazing what you can do to the photos. I have decided to include a "future" board where the work is completely my own and my interpretation on what the future might hold for fashion photography. My aim is to base it on the vampire theme that is massive at the moment and I am photoshopping the plain studio models dark and gothic and intense. I have done a practise run where I experimented with what I could do.

This photo to the left is the original it has bad white balance which was the first thing I sorted out in photoshop. I then changed the hair colour to red, made the facial skin paler, gave her green eyes, applied black eye make-up and red lips, gave her a drop of blood coming from her mouth and obviously changed the background to black and put in the lighting. I just love how using photoshop can completely change the feel of a photo and this is what I believe fashion photography will develop into; the use of photoshop to this extend.

In the next couple of days I am planning on showing you a glimpse  of each of my decades in photos, how I went about planning it and who inspired me.


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