Saturday 3 July 2010

Nail Colours


I thought I'd branch out a bit in this post away from clothing as fashion is not all about the clothes it's the latest trends and what goes with the clothes.

I have recently been trying out different nail colours, I have some how accumulated a lot of nail vanishes and I only ever do white tips so I thought I'd use them. I started of by wearing the bright neon pink that was in last summer and I'm pretty sad I missed that trend as I really liked how striking it was, I paired it with a pink shirt but I found that as it was so bright and different it looked better not being paired with anything.

I then found out that this summer, sorbet colours are in such as pale candyfloss pinks and also mint green; it's all about pastel colours. I recently brought a delightful marshmallow pink from 17 range it's called Fairy Cake and is my favourite colour of all time. I'm currently wearing a Baby Blue nail vanish from Barry M number 122 I found Barry M have some good sorbet colours aswell as last years neon colours but the only thing I've had a problem with is that they don't apply very easily but that could just be me.

Anyway sorbet colours for the nails and no need to coordinate for a eye attracting look.


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