Thursday 2 December 2010

Winter knitwear


The UK has been hit with unexpected cold, snowy weather and I am totally unprepared. Still hanging on to my autumn tops until the new year sale what am I meant to wear to keep warm and still look good?

Chunky knitted cardigans and jumpers are definitely in and should keep you warm!
This super cute cardigan is £44.99 from New Look. I love the winter colours and corny Christmas design which is being favoured in all shops this winter.
The plain cream jumper to the left is from Miss Selfridge for £40. It looks really warm but still stylish.  

The corny classic Christmas wintery designs are everywhere and on every knitwear item around at the moment. Some of the items I have seen do look like a possible embarrassing Bridget Jones Christmas jumper. But if you can find the right colours and pattern I think they are super cute!
I especially like this snow flake design on this Jane Norman cardigan for £32.

Another trend in right now is woolly knitted dresses. I have one from last year which I've been holding on to. But i just find them awkward because the majority of them are short sleeved, mine is and I don't have a low enough scoop neck t-shirt to wear under them and they don't necessarily keep you the warmest. I do admit they are really cute especially with boots. Just for me they are not warm enough. This dress featured here is from New Look £21.99.  

Something that caught my eye during my look at knitwear was this lovely New look preppy cardigan. I have been taken by the preppy jackets but haven't come across preppy knitwear yet but i think this is really stylish. I love the colours and the lining of the v-neckline. I also think the pattern in the knit makes the cardigan really cute. This cardigan is £22.99 from New Look.


Tuesday 30 November 2010



So I've already blogged about my future shoot but I have recently completely finished editing my photos.

On the left is the original photo one the right the photoshopped one. These have both got manipulated background, hair colour, skin colour and make-up. I tried to give this top one an outline using inner and outer glow. I think they both are good and capture the gothic vampire feel that's intended. I am really proud of what I have achieved as I have made the same photo completely different and I have achieved better than I wanted.


Sunday 28 November 2010

2000 Photoshoot


This photoshoot was inspired by my favourite photographer Mario Testino I absolutely love this shoot as I thought it was so classy but edgy. I thought it was a good photoshoot to use as it was a big step to show more of the model and therefore made it obvious it was from the 2000's. I also really loved the clothing used in the shoot so I tired to use similar styles.

For my shoot I took the photo's at my home studio and then I photo shopped the background on which I had taken else where. This was my attempt at the above Testino shoot. The dress isn't quite as glamorous and i don't think the pose gives the same feeling but I think what really let it down was the background it does not look realistic at all. This was my first attempt at photoshopping the background on so I should have gone back and tried again when I had got better but I decided this was my least favourite photo anyway.

This photo to the right is one of my favourite of the shoot I think the background is much better and looks really realistic. I also like the pose much better and it gives the moody but still innocent look. I think this shoot has worked well although not nearly as good as the original by Mario Testino I am still really proud that I have managed to pull off this shoot by my favourite photographer and it has helped me develop my photo shopping skills.


Wednesday 24 November 2010

1990's Photoshoot


Sorry I haven't blogged recently have been kept in bed by a horrible cold.

Anyway I'm feeling better so I'm back to carry on where I left so 1990 photoshoot.

This photoshoot was inspired by Brain Duffy and the main part of his Vogue photoshoot that I really liked was the use of the voile which made it look playful as well as sophisticated through the smart suits. This shoot also is noticeably more revealing than the previous decade's shoots the 1990's shows a lot more skin and the poses were more provocative.

I shot my own photoshoot at home using the voile against the window. The clothing is different from the original it is dresses as I didn't want it too be as smart but I have still made it  look sophisticated. I really like this left photo I believe it's captured the feel of the shoot. It's moody but stylish and sophisticated. It is more revealing showing off the models legs which you eye follows down.
The photo below I decided to include as all my other photos show the whole of the dress and body so this one gives a closer look. I think that it's good that the background is slightly blown out as it is needed to help you focus on the two models and for the voile to not distract.  


Wednesday 17 November 2010

1980's photoshoot


My 1980's photoshoot was based on a Patrick Demarchelier photo shoot. Demarchelier still photographs now for fashion magazines he does many celebrity shoots and he is one of the top fashion photographers. I love this photo shoot as it's so glamorous but yet still demure. The lighting is amazing and helps make the photo's look so perfect, I also like how the background is so out of focus so your look is thrown to the model.

I also took my photo shoot on beach location but I decided on a different background. I tried to use pale colours such as the ones used in the original photo shoot. I also used similar clothing styles such as the tighter dresses. I'm really pleased with the outcome of this shoot as the lighting really highlights the clothes and the model looks amazing! I think these photos have taken from the original shoot but is my own work and imagery.  


Monday 15 November 2010

1970's photo shoot


For the 1970's shoot I was inspired by Albert Watson. I took from this editorial shoot the idea of a colour theme but instead of using yellow which is what was used in the actual shoot, I decided on pink. The editorial was Vogue's eye view of sunshine and it was shot in Portugal. Seeing as I couldn't get to Portugal or anywhere similar I decided to take the shoot at a beach as I thought it'd be a good background but not distracting.

The other aspect I took from the original photo shoot was how many props were used. I tried to use many different props as this helped keep the interest and also worked with the pink theme as all the props were pink. I do like these photos I think they take from the Albert Watson photo shoot but don't copy they are my own work and style and I'm proud of that.


Saturday 13 November 2010

1960's photo shoot


Second post, so time for my 1960's photo shoot. I got inspiration from the photographer Brian Duffy and a photo shoot of his work in a 1960's Vogue magazine. I really liked the movement in this shoot and the factor that took my eye is the block colour across the photo I thought this was very interesting and different especially in the 1960's which was not the most experimental decade of fashion photography.  

For my photo shoot I used a home studio which literally is a white sheet but unfortunately I have not been taught how to use the proper studio at school and anyway I find it easier with little pressure from my teachers and my models are much more confident and comfortable while surrounded by friends at my home. As for the clothing I used many different bold colours so that I could then use that colour as the block colour. I tried to make the shoot look active but while still at the same time making it structured and posed. I believe it has worked out well and definitely shows the inspiration as well as my take on it. The only problem I had with this shoot was the clothing as I needed to be 60's but I also needed bold colours and for the clothing to be suitable for active movement aswell as my budget. I decided to go with bold T-shirts as these would of been in most decades and grey jeans which although wouldn't of been worn in the 1960's still gives the right impression needed for the shoot which was too not detract away from the colours.


Friday 12 November 2010

1950's photoshoot


So I decided it'd be sensible to show you my work chronologically each decade in a different post. So this is my first one so we are starting with the 1950's. For my 1950's inspiration I choose a photo shoot by Norman Parkinson. It is titled "university life" and it really attracted my attention as most of the 1950 photographs looked really posed and this one was one that had movement and interaction. The photo below is one of the inspiring photos.  

For my own photoshoot I knew I wanted to gain the same feeling so the location and clothing was very important. I chose a place that had big impressive buildings much the same as the university featured in this shoot (Wells Cathedral). The clothing I made very 1950's with a genuine 1950's dress very similar to the one in this photo to the left. It was also important to make the shoots very elegant and classy so the poses are lady like and structured as well as the actual model looking classy.

These are two of my 1950 photos that I am using in my A-level work. I am trying to use similar techniques  but these photo's are actually digital as I wasn't sure whether the lighting would work for film but I have taken film photo's for the 1950's but they will be used for my final piece. I used black and white photography as most of the vogue photo's were black and white in this time. This photo to the left features the genuine 1950's dress. I thought it was beautiful and really helped make the photos look authentic. From the Norman Parkinson photoshoot I really liked how he mixed photos of casual day wear with classier evening wear. This is what I tried to do in my own
photoshoot which is what you can see with these two photos the right one is a casual day wear where as the above photo is the more evening wear. I am really pleased with the outcome of my photoshoot as I believe it gives the right feel and is easily identifiable as the 1950's.


Thursday 11 November 2010

Future of fashion photography


Sorry I haven't blogged recently I have really indulged myself into my photography. I have taken all my photo's for the 60 years I'm researching, I have photoshopped and printed all the photos from 1950 to 2000. I really enjoy photoshopping as I find it very satisfying and it's amazing what you can do to the photos. I have decided to include a "future" board where the work is completely my own and my interpretation on what the future might hold for fashion photography. My aim is to base it on the vampire theme that is massive at the moment and I am photoshopping the plain studio models dark and gothic and intense. I have done a practise run where I experimented with what I could do.

This photo to the left is the original it has bad white balance which was the first thing I sorted out in photoshop. I then changed the hair colour to red, made the facial skin paler, gave her green eyes, applied black eye make-up and red lips, gave her a drop of blood coming from her mouth and obviously changed the background to black and put in the lighting. I just love how using photoshop can completely change the feel of a photo and this is what I believe fashion photography will develop into; the use of photoshop to this extend.

In the next couple of days I am planning on showing you a glimpse  of each of my decades in photos, how I went about planning it and who inspired me.


Thursday 28 October 2010



This week has been a marathon of photoshoots, I'm currently 5 down 1 to go. They are all for my A-level photography work, where I am researching into the change in fashion magazine photography in vogue over the last 60 years. So I am doing different photoshoots for each era since 1950. I am taking inspiration from certain photographers work from each decade such as Norman Parkinson for my 1950's, Patrick Demarchelier for the 1980's and Mario Testino for 2000.

Hopefully once I've got this over with I can blog more regularly again and I will hopefully put up some samples of my work.


Monday 18 October 2010

Winter trends


So now the summer/spring 2011 fashion shows are over it's back to the dreary winter season. But luckily there are some delightful trends this season to perk up our rainy days.

The coats are still seeing a lot of military style which is especially good for me as I still have mine from last year. But the new trend is the aviator jacket or flying jacket which has fur on the distinct collar. I really like the look of these I haven't seen anyone wearing them and I can't seem to find a good style. I think it may be missed trend this winter.
This photo to the right is a cropped aviator jacket from Topshop for £75!

The boots this year is more or less any style as long as it features fur. Ankle high, mid-thigh high or knee high they all feature faux-fur. They range from heeled to flat, suede to leather.
These are my favourite boots they are so cute! They are on the New Look website as the boots banner but I can't find them too buy. There are a few that don't have photos available yet so hopefully this pair is one of them.


Monday 11 October 2010

Alexander McQueen show


Although Paris fashion week has ended I haven't finished looking at the stunning shows that took place. The one I found most interesting was the Alexander McQueen show. This is the fiorst catwalk ahow since the designers sudden death in February. Sarah Burton did the designing for Alexander McQueen. The show was fabulous with the setting being very plain with bare floorboards that helped represent the beginning of something new.

The clothing it's self was beautifully stunning although not as dark as McQueen it still was respectful and creative at the same time.

Check out pictures and review here:,9981#


Tuesday 5 October 2010

Chanel show


I was checking on vogue for the latest shows from the Paris fashion week when I clicked on Chanel I was intrigued by the set design so even before viewing the pictures I decided to try to find a video of this show. I normally don't bother as the quality isn't all that great and I tend to get a little bored when I can't see the clothing probably but this time I found a really good video.

The set design as I had guessed was gorgeous it was set up with three grand gardens it was like a  maze leading to a beautiful water fountain and the catwalk lead around the outside of these three "gardens". This set up was perfect for the collection as it featured some lovely flowing dresses. The only problem with the video was I didn't get to see the whole show I only got 2 minutes of it and in this time I saw none of the clothes featured on vogue's site I got concerned I was watching the wrong show. But from the photos there were a lot of short shorts mainly put with like suit jackets which to me looked a bit odd. There was again the black and white trend but with some floral patterns.


Monday 4 October 2010

Jean Paul Gaultier show


So unfortunately lately I've been a bit ill so I haven't been able to check out Milan fashion week or blog about it.

But now I've had a quick look at Paris fashion week and something that interested me was the Jean Paul Gaultier  show it opened and closed with the large singer Beth Ditto. I recently watched the TV program fearne and.... Beth Ditto and in that she said that she got asked to perform in Topshop and she turned it down due to the fact they didn't stock her size. Since then she's had a clothing lien with Topshop for the larger sizes. So for her to be in Paris fashion week is quite a statement!

The actual collection had everything from denim to netting to leather. It featured alot of weird but wonderful clothing. Personally I don't think I'd wear much of the collection but as high fashion clothing it is gorgeous. Unlike the majority of the other shows this contained alot more colour of blues, reds and greens but white was still a prominent colour. 

I'll continue to blog about the Paris and Milan fashion week in the next couple of days.


Tuesday 21 September 2010

Topshop Unique


One of the shows in the London Fashion Week that is a must see is the Topshop unique. It's interesting that now adays high street brands are becoming up market enough to be shown in London Fashion Week along with prestigious designer brands. The topshop show had a 70s theme to it with big crimped hair and alot of tie-dye and patterns. Black and white again featured but instead of being alot of cute short dresses it was either long flowy dresses, straight short dresses or flared trousers. Although the clothing was ready to wear I think I would wear one of these items they looked abit out there for my liking of a highstreet brand.

Check out all the photos here and watch out for the random hot pink sexy swimsuit:,9345#/imageno/1


Monday 20 September 2010

London Fashion Week


So I've had a look at Spring/Summer 2011 ready to wear London fashion week. I noticed a lot of white and black block colours, or pale nude colours with patterns. There seems to mainly be very short dresses, or jumpsuits.
These are my favourite that I picked from a few. The first one is from Ana Sekularac it's a super cute white strapless mini dress. This second one is from Paul Costelloe and this designer featured a lot of this short flowing skirt.
I found the best place to check out all the shows is

Thursday 16 September 2010

Plus size show


With the start of London fashion week taking off tomorrow a first for New York Fashion week happened in America. They had their first show starring plus size models. The models were UK size 16 and above and the show was organised by London fashion week will also contain a show containing models sized 8-16 featuring high street brands.

There has also been a report published today on The Value of the UK Fashion Industry and it estimates that fashion contributes £21 billion to the economy. The fashion industry employs 816 000 people Harold Tillman, the chairman of the British fashion council said "Fashion is a great British Success story" This is exciting for the future of UK fashion.


Sunday 12 September 2010

Oscar de la Renta spring resort 2010


So New York fashion week has started and although I have only had a quick look it looks gorgeous. From my brief search through the photos the collection that caught my eye was Oscar de la Renta Resort. With beautiful summer dresses and amazing evening dresses. I especially liked the fact that the collection featured straw boater to make it more resort suitable. My favourite items from the collection is the smart denim jacket that's paired with a beautiful plaid summer dress and a beautiful black and red ball gown.


Thursday 9 September 2010

Valentino and Gap


I have recently blogged about the collaboration between Lavin and H&M. And I am very excited about a new collaboration that has been announced. Valentino has agreed to do a collection for Gap. It will be designed by creative directors Maria Grazia Chiui and Pier Paolo Piccioli and it's to mark the opening of Gap's new Milan flagships store. The items will then be available at the London flagship store and the Paris flagship store. It is planned to be in stores the end of November. The creative directors were quoted on the new collaboration saying "Valentino and Gap synthesise the current trend of combining luxury with basics."


Wednesday 8 September 2010

Burberry Retail Theatre


So with London fashion week 6 days away this news is pretty relevant. Burberry is setting up a "retail theatre" where the catwalk will be shown live in 25 worldwide flagship stores and customers at these events will be able to browse the collection on their ipads where they can buy the clothes directly. They are going to broadcast the spring/summer 2011 collection in this way with the clothes being delivered in seven weeks of buying them. The ceo of Burberry said "Burberry Retail Theatre is at the heart of our retail growth strategy." The people being invited to the instore events will receive a digital invitation with a personal message from Christopher Bailey.

Check out the article on the vogue site:


Tuesday 7 September 2010

Lanvin for H&M


H&M did a collaboration with designer Jimmy Choo not too long ago. The small collection was featured in a few selected stores. And now they have confirmed a collaboration with Lanvin. There will be a women's and men's collection designed by Alber Elbaz and Lucas Ossendrijver. It's going to be released in H&M on the 23rd of November in 200 stores across the world. Alber said about the collaboration "what intrigued me was the idea of H&M going luxury rather than Lanvin going public." I think this will be a good but possibly expensive collection I'm excited to see more highstreet and designer collaborations.


Monday 6 September 2010

General Update


So today I just thought I'd do a general up date and tell you some of the interesting things I've found in the fashion news lately.

Keira Knightly is currently shooting for a new Chanel advert in Paris, France and it has seen her in a snug beige bodysuit, sat atop a vintage beige motorcycle.

Also Cheryl Cole has made her second appearance on the cover of British Vogue. She's been photographed by one of my favourite photographers Patrick Demarchelier. It's very soft and uses amazing colours. Cheryl looks gorgeous and she looks very babydoll  and girl next door pictured with flowers on the front cover.

Also in the recent news a pregnant Lily Allen opened her pop-up shop in Selfridges this week. She wore a lovely floral dress and said she was very excited about this new project.


Friday 3 September 2010

High street fashion week


So London fashion week is coming up! But I was reading in Glamour magazine that if you can't go to London fashion week you could go to London High Street Fashion Week. It's situated on London's Oxford street and takes place from the 6th to 10th of September. Stores such as River Island, Selfridge's, Warehouse and French Connection are all taking part and there is promised to be a style stunt on the 6th; I'm not entirely sure what this is but it briefly mentions last years, which was a fashion show on the tube.

Wednesday looks like the best day it's "Vogue fashion's night out" and 17 stores are taking part on this day and will be offering discounts and promotions.
Check that out here along with the other days:

The only problem I have found is that I can't seem to find any information on whether you need a ticket. But it sounds like an exciting and fun fashion event.


Thursday 2 September 2010

Lucy in Disguise


Today I found out about Lily Allen's new project; while taking a break from music and carrying her first baby she is concentrating on a fashion project. I know a lot of celebrities have a fashion based project often being their on fashion line but Lily Allen's is different. She is setting up a emporium in Covent Gardens called Lucy in Disguise it's for vintage clothing and it is currently a pop-up store in Selfridges until 15th September. Expect alot of vintage dresses and accessories.

Check out the sneak peak here:,0,0


Tuesday 31 August 2010

Kate Moss


So I found out today that Kate Moss' designing career for Topshop is coming to an end. She's been designing for Topshop since 2007 and has made and designed 14 successful collections. She was once designing six collections a year! The reason for this end? Sir Philip Green said "[the designs] take more and more time and she cannot do this full-time any more." The rumours suggest that her collections were "running out of steam". This is not the complete end of the collaboration Kate is meant to be still designing but a smaller collection containing 12-15 items. Instead of the 80 plus that are in her last collection that is meant to be released in October. The only thing I find weird about this is the collection is a summer collection and it's being released in October that doesn't really make sense as it consists of shorts and summer dresses and really were looking for winter woollies and warm trousers.

Fabsugar the website has a "sneak preview" of the whole collection I don't like much of it but I love this one dress.

Check out the collection here:,0,0#16


Monday 30 August 2010

People Tree


Emma Watson, the Harry Potter actress has recently featured in One Night Only's music video along side her reported boyfriend George Craig the lead singer of the band. He's also a model and they modelled together for Burberry. 

Emma Watson endorses a great company, it's called People Tree and it's an online clothing store but the difference is all the clothing is fair trade! Emma even went to Bangladesh to find out how much of a difference fair trade makes. 

The actual collection isn't necessarily to my taste it seems more targeted for the 30-50 year olds but the youth collection especially "love from Emma" is really nice it's mainly preppy looking but I personally love it!

Check out the site here:


Thursday 26 August 2010

Wearable Technology


Katy Perry at the Costume Institute Gala in New York. May 3, 2010. Oh, Katy Perry. How we adored seeing you light up (literally) the room in your Cute Circuit dress! She definitely takes home the prize for boldest thigh-slit fashionista.Yesterday I found this new site. I use JustJared all the time for my celebrity gossip but this one has UK celebrity gossip and a UK fashion site aswell. I was looking through the last couple of posts on the fashion site and one caught my attention. It was about wearable technology, Katy Perry wore a light up dress to the Met gala in May I think it's a beautiful dress lighting up blue, pink and green and it really suited her personality.

Space LeggingsThis article was saying that the company that made Perry's dress is looking to take it to the regular consumer. So I thought I'd check out the website. The idea of clothing having technology in it is a great idea but then actually making a good product that will sell is a little more tricky. This site had some "Twirkle T-shirts" which are T-shirts covered in LED lights that change colour when you move, these start at £90. They also have "Disc leggings" that are the same to the T-shirts with LED lights making up many discs. Personally I hate them they look horrible and just the describtion puts me off "stretchy Lycra/elastane shiny black leggings" even the model doesn't seem happy wearing them! They also have a "Hug shirt" that was apparently one of the best inventions of 2006, it uses bluetooth to recreate a hug. To be honest I don't understand it nor do I see the point of it. Another one of their weird inventions is a black dress that has a mobile phone in it. You answer your call by raising your arm and hang up by lowering your arm. I can sort of see the point if you don't want to take a bag around with you and you don't have pockets but I'm not sure the way to approach this was to put the phone in a dress. I can't see many of these designs actually taking off so I therefore believe any technology clothing is completely ludicrous and unnecessary.

Check out the fashion website:
And the cutecircuit products:


Wednesday 25 August 2010

The September Issue continued


PhotoSo as i posted yesterday I watched the whole of "The September Issue" a documentary on Vogue. It was very interesting, they also went more into Anna Wintour's history and her life. In one part of the documentary she was at home with her daughter asking her which cover she likes best. Her daughter says she has alot of respect for her mum but there is no chance she will go into fashion she's heading for law school. Anna Wintour replied saying "there's still time". Another thing I found interesting about Anna Wintour is she has 2 brothers and a sister and she said they think what she does is "amusing" she didn't seem to imply that they supported her at all which I found very sad. I know her dad supported her, he was the editor of the London Standard and from an early age put the idea in her head to be the editor of Vogue.

There were alot of fashion designers in the documentary they went to see their collection and whether they would feature it in their magazine. Also to my satisfaction two of my favourite photographers were featured; Mario Testino and Patrick Demarchelier. Mario Testino was doing the Sienna Miller photoshoot in Rome, they had a little problem as there wasn't many final photo's to choose from and the magazine really wanted the Colosseum photo but Mario said that it didn't work for him. All the photos looked amazing I especially like the 1920's piece which used all the old outfits and the photographs used a soft filter, unfortunately a few of these got scrapped from the issue. Even the cameraman of the documentary got in the issue! He went to a fashion shoot and ended up in the photoshoot "filming" the model. When Anna Wintour saw them she liked them very much but told Bob, the camera man "some alterations were needed" and he "should go to the gym", the other editor Grace made sure that they didn't edit out Bob's stomach.

Very good and interesting film but has pretty much persuaded me that I would only like to work for vogue if I were a photographer, it's a bit crazy and too stressful for me!


Tuesday 24 August 2010

The September Issue


I'm currently watching a channel 4 documentary about Vogue. It's called "The September Issue" and shows what's put in to the run-up to the release of the September issue of Vogue. The famous Anna Wintour doesn't seem as scary as I imagined I always pictured her as the Meryl Streep boss in "The Devil Wears Prada". She's obviously not everyone's best friend but she knows her stuff and she goes about her business. I'll blog tomorrow about the whole show.


Sunday 22 August 2010

The Romantics


Tom Cruise's wife Katie Holmes is starring in a new Romantic film called "The Romantics" beside Josh Duhamel. J.Crew clothing has taken the release of this film to assist their advertising. They've used the cast of "The Romantics" film to shoot the advertising campaign for their fall collection. I think this is a great idea as it connects film and fashion together. The actors all look amazing and the photos are great. They're really fun and makes the clothing feel fun even though the guys are wearing suits and the girls are in party dresses. There are alot of cooky poses and the cast-mates interact so well. This is my favourite shot: 
katie holmes josh duhamel romantics jcrew 03

Check out the other shots here:


Friday 20 August 2010



Today I have seen new promotional shots for Britney Spears' clothing line for Candies. She's already been the face of Candies modelling for them before. Britney famously released the before and after shots of photoshopping of herself modelling a pink bathing suit for Candie's.

As you can see her waist has been taken in, her legs have been made skinnier and blemish free and her bum has been made smaller and more rounded. Luckily for Britney she looks great in both before and after and they haven't had to drastically change her just retouch her here and there. 

In her latest shoots she has also been retouched looking noticeably younger and more fresh than we have recently seen her. She does look stunning though. Her clothing line consists of tops, jeans, jackets and her favourite item from the line a black trench coat. She has been quoted saying "I wanted to make the clothes cool and edgy yet girly" well I think she's succeeded with a very good, well-rounded, buy-able clothing line.

Check it out here:


Gucci Guilty


Sorry for not blogging on the last two nights so that's why I'm blogging this morning.

I've found a Gucci commercial for their new "Gucci Guilty" fragrance and I was intrigued as it was different from normal fragrance commercials as it seemed more like a film trailer.

The director of this commercial is the film director Frank Miller who directed Sin City. The titles including the staring actors Evan Rachel Wood and Chris Evans flash up on screen.

The big thing that I found different was that this was only a preview of the whole commercial the full version will air during the 2010 MTV VMAs. This has been done a lot with the Twilight film series where they release the full clip at a big event.

As for the actual preview of the commercial it certainly doesn't feel like it's selling a fragrance and it personally doesn't pull me in or want me to buy it, but maybe the actual commercial will be different and make more sense.

Check out the video here:


Tuesday 17 August 2010



So I did some research today for my EPQ project in which I'm trying to research into whether fashion should reflect the age of wearer. For this I went into many fashions stores and analysed the clothing and trends and the set out of the store all to discover who the store was targeting.

Anyways as I went in at least 15 stores I got a good idea of the trends that are coming in this season. For colours they were mainly neutrals so lots of beige, cream and brown. But a peachy pink colour was prominent in all shops. As for shoes; ankle boots seem to be this seasons shoe trend most of them were flat but there were some heeled shoe boots that were noticeably in a few stores.   

The winter knitwear is just coming in so it's the awkward mid-season ranges at the moment still with summer clothing mainly in the sales though and cardigans and jumpers as full price.


Monday 16 August 2010

WWD Online


I've found this website the other day called WWD. It's a good fashion website with a lot of fashion articles and events such as fashion shows and even retail and business. It's definitely a news website but I've found it seems slightly confusing on navigation. I found this website through some photographs, Kristen Bell did a photoshoot with Diego Uchitel just for this website. I thought the photo's were very elegant and stylish. This is my favourite shot:

I really like the use of diagonals in this photo and also the arches in the background. Kristen looks amazing and I love her dress which is a Balmain design. Balmain is a French designer, I've had a quick look at the latest collection and the dresses, especially look gorgeous! I love Kristen's hair and her Gianvito Rossi boots that go so well with the dress. The whole set up and styling to these photo's are perfect.

Check out the rest of the photo's here
Balmain website:
WWD website:


Sunday 15 August 2010

The City


I used to watch a reality show called "The Hills" and I really enjoyed it as it followed a California girl, Lauren Conrad, who got an internship at Teen Vogue. Obviously it included a lot of her personal life but the reason I watched it was to get an idea of what it's like behind the scenes working at a fashion magazine.

E4 unfortunately stopped showing it but recently I have found that channel five is showing the spin-off show which is called "The City" and this follows Whitney, Lauren's friend who moved to New York city to work for designer Diane Von Furstenberg. Five is currently showing season 2 where Whitney is working for People's Revolution a PR company but her friend Olivia is working at Elle Magazine. This is what pulled me in as I get to see what kind of thing she has to do at Elle magazine. She often gets sent out to research stuff and she always has to find her accessories and get a good range to feature in an article in the magazine.

My favourite thing to watch is them dealing with fashion shoots as I love to see how it works and also a catwalk show which I remember from "The Hills" where Whitney and Lauren had to call out the models to get them out on the catwalk and they also had to help seat the guests. This really gives me a good idea of what I might expect from the fashion industry.


Saturday 14 August 2010

Project D


This week is the season finale of Danni Minogue: Style Queen on ITV2. I watched this last week as there was nothing else on TV and I actually quite enjoyed it.

It had a lot about her new clothing line that she's brought out. It's called Project D and it's a collaboration between Danni and her friend, Tabitha Somerset-Webb, a handbag and accessory designer.

In the program I watched they were trying to sell the collections to a store and they managed to get Selfridges to stock it. The collection is full of beautiful dresses, consisting of long and short evening dresses. There aren't many styles but this is just the start of her collection so hopefully she'll add some different clothing items.

Check out the collection here:


Wednesday 11 August 2010



I've just discovered today that Beyonce has her own clothing line with her Mum Tina Knowles. She's released some photos for this.

Beyonce: Blonde Biker Chick!
The style was commented as being "1960s pinup girl meets futuristic biker chick". The photo's are pretty cool with her wearing fake tattoos all of her body of various different things including lizards and spiders.

Her clothing line includes almost everything including footwear, jewellery, handbags and eye wear.  Everything is pretty cute and very Beyonce fierce.

Check out Dereon here:


Tuesday 10 August 2010

Armani Jeans


megan fox armani jeans ad 04So earlier in the month I told you that Megan Fox was the new face of Giorgio Armani cosmetics, and that she's already the face of Armani Jeans. They've released some photo's for the 2010-2011 fall/winter ad campaign. Megan Fox looks amazing and I think Armani chose well to have her, it must be difficult for brands to choose a celebrity as it could either boost or dive bomb their success and especially as these actors aren't models so they don't necessarily have and do everything a model knows to do.


Friday 6 August 2010

Willow Smith


Celebrities children have become part of the lime light possibly stepping into their parents shoes or maybe getting there own publicity. Obviously it's easy to follow the children as they grow up for example all the Beckham kids and the Jolie-Pitt family. But recently I have been noticing Will Smith's daughter Willow Smith not for any new film or music career but because of her style. She's 9 years old and has got her own rocky-edgy style going on. Most 9 year old girls I would still expect in pretty pink dresses, but I guess this is what comes from being exposed to all the different clothes and stylists and basically the Hollywood lifestyle.

willow smith painted ear outline 03willow smith lace up pants 06She's been seen doing a photo shoot in which she supports a painted ear outline. She's even setting her own trend with tweeters saying "I'm about 2 pull a willow smith hair cut O_O".

I'm never sure about children who don't act their age, and I recently believe it's becoming a big thing for kids to act more like adults especially with the technology now a days.  
